One challenge is that we seem to have two groups in this industry: those who are at the forefront of the green meetings movement, and the rest of us. When you mention "green meetings" many planners and suppliers in the second group think they have it covered. But do they really? Just reading a few articles in an industry magazine won't make anyone an expert.
One of the presenters at the conference, Julie Baylor, made a very good case for how hotels need to go beyond just getting a “green” certification.
Maybe all this "green meetings fatigue" is because we don't know where to start. I know I felt like that. So when I came back from conference, one small thing I vowed to change was the number of disposable coffee cups that my staff are using. Every Friday, when we took out the recycling, the bin was full of Tim Hortons cups and lids. Surely we could do better, I challenged our team. And now the volume is reducing...
The success of any habit changing initiatives starts with simplicity. That's why I believe those in the green meetings industry need to consider the work of Joe Smith. Joe lectured at a TEDx Conference recently about the use of paper towels when handwashing. Viewing his video made me change the way I wash my hands!
If you haven't seen his lecture, please take the time to view it. You'll never forget it.
Could we not find excellent communicators like Joe Smith to teach us what to do and what not to do in our meetings and in our everyday work at the office to make a difference?